Have fun out there, folks.

The Chelsea Adult Hockey League

Rules And Code of Conduct

The CAHL is a community-first hockey league. This means the safety and happiness of players comes before individual performance, accolades or winning.

It assumed by participation in the league that every player has read and understands these rules and codes of conduct.

Code Of Conduct

This is a community hockey league. We take the community values very seriously. Most of us live in Chelsea. The goal of the league is to have an enjoyable night out with our neighbors and make new friends. This is far more important than winning hockey games. We have much higher expectations of behavior than most other leagues. Anyone who forgets what our values are when they get on the ice will not be welcome to play with us.

Any discipline issues are dealt with by the captain's committee, regardless of whether a penalty was called. If you feel someone has done something dirty, dangerous, or inappropriate, the proper way to deal with it is to inform your captain immediately after the game. Do not escalate things with the player. Your captain will bring the issue to the captain's committee to be dealt with, at his or her discretion.


In the event that discipline is warranted, based on the assessment of captains: the first stage is a warning, then a probable suspension for a second offence, and then a probable expulsion for a third offence. Any warnings, suspensions, or expulsions will be decided upon by a vote of the captains. The captains reserve the right to skip the warning or suspension if they feel it is warranted. So far, the captains have reached consensus on every discipline issue.

Some players have received warnings in past seasons. These warning carry over to the new season.


Game is one period.

* Referee sets clock for 50 minutes.

* Whistle blows at 46:30 to end warm up.

* Whistle blows at 45:30 to give 30 second warning before puck drop.

* Drop puck at 45:00, if 1 team is lined up and the other is not ready yet, the unprepared team will receive their 1 and only warning in regards to fast faceoffs (see below for details).

* Line changes are allowed at any time but a fast faceoff rule applies. After play is settled and the referee is ready for the faceoff he whistles then counts to five and drops the puck regardless of team's readiness. The referee will count out loud to bring the situation to light. If a team is offside upon dropping the puck a warning is issued. If the situation occurs again a penalty is assessed. Strictly enforced. If this situation occurs within the last 2 minutes of gameplay, a penalty shot shall be assessed against the offending team.

* Blue line icing. Intentional icing is allowed, but not to run down the clock. If a third intentional icing occurs from the same team, a delay of game penalty will be called.

* Any penalty in the final two minutes of play results in a penalty shot after the final buzzer.

* Any icing in the final minute of play will result in a penalty shot (at the end of game play) against the offending team.

* All dangerous, reckless, or careless plays will be given a penalty, regardless if the play is technically allowed under Hockey Canada rules.

* Given that we only have one referee, the honour system applies if the referee makes erroneous calls in favour of your team (especially with goals).

* Mandatory visor or cage.

* Two minute minor penalty.

* Seven minute major penalty plus game ejection.

* Zero tolerance to any bullshit. Even guys mutually roughing each other up a little bit or giving each other love taps with their sticks will be called.

* ANY verbal abuse towards the referee will not be tolerated. This is a friendly league and this will be strictly enforced.

* Captains are to insure that spares are chosen to keep teams as evenly balanced as possible. During the regular season, Captains may opt to bring in spares, as needed, from the same or lower cohort of the player who is absent. The only exception to the usual spare rule is during the playoffs (see below for the playoff exceptions).

* In the playoffs, captains are allowed to bring in spares to replace missing players (from same skill box or lower), in order to fill the roster up to 9 players. Players from the top 4 skills boxes are not allowed to spare during the playoffs. If a captain violates this rule, game play will still occur, but the game is forfeited by the offending team. If both teams are guilty of illegally "sparing up", then the team with the highest score will be deemed the winner.

*Slap Shots: No slap shots are allowed into a crowd, either from the point or from elsewhere on rink if it is directed towards other players. The referee will blow down an illegal slap shot and drop ensuing face off outside the blue line. If there is no one between you and the goalie, and you are a safe distance away, then a slap shot is allowed. The same rule applies for wrist shots coming in too high in a crowd. Same to clear puck from your zone (e.g., around back of net). Calls will be made on grounds of player safety. These are at discretion of the referee.

* Hockey Canada rules that do not conflict with any of the above rules will be enforced.

A copy of Hockey Canada's official rules can be found here.